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Collision Force Page 17
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Page 17
Chief Martin had SWAT on standby, so they would be ready at the drop of a hat as soon as Maldonado called—if he called. Despite Cole’s assurance, Andi had doubts.
“I’ll get him, Liv. You’ve just gotta trust me. I know Maldonado. He’ll call. He won’t be able to resist the lure. I’d bet money he promised me to Caselli. I know how his mind works.”
Andi couldn’t make out what his supervisor was saying, but she heard the even hum of her voice. Cole’s shoulders slumped and she stared. What now?
“I don’t need another agent butting around in my case.” He paused. “Partner? Hell no, I don’t need a partner. I don’t want a partner. This case is mine.”
She swallowed hard. It was a reminder of her place. She was his lover, but he was stuck working with her. Despite the progress they’d made, the fact that they worked well together, he would still rather be a solo act.
It shouldn’t have been a shocker, but it smarted. She’d been working her ass off on this case. She wanted Maldonado as bad as he did. Worse, now that the asshole had Bella.
“I don’t have an hour and a half to wait for her.” He shook his head, scowling. “Fine. But I’m telling you right now if I get a call, I’m acting. I’m not waiting around for anyone, even Agent Dawson.” He paused again. “No, Liv.”
Her answer was a hard, raised voice. Andi still couldn’t make out the words, but the threat in her tone was clear.
“Then I guess you’ll do what you need to do, and so will I. Goodbye, Olivia.” Cole ended the call cursing under his breath.
She didn’t bother asking if everything was all right. “Who’s Agent Dawson?”
“She’s a transfer to my office, out of the Dallas office, so she’s still local here. Liv wants to send her over, because evidently, we’ll be working together when I get back. My new partner.” The scowl on his face matched his tone.
Her heart started to race. What if Cole ended up getting along with this woman like they got along? What if he took her as a lover? Was it routine for him when working with a female?
Andi jolted, sitting up straighter. What was she doing?
She needed to be focused on Bella, not…what…losing Cole? She was going to lose him when the case was over anyway.
It wasn’t like they’d talked about their relationship. Was it even a relationship? They were just having sex. She winced. That made it…nothing. It was so far from nothing, Andi didn’t have the right words. She’d spent the last week and a half in his arms and wouldn’t have changed a thing about it.
Cole’s jaw was tight and his fists clenched as he continued to pace in front of her fireplace, but he was still the most appealing man she’d ever seen. She wanted to comfort him, assure him it would somehow be okay. She had to believe that to get her through. But she needed him to believe it, too.
She wanted him. To be with him, near him. Always.
Oh, shit. I love him.
The realisation hit like a ton of bricks and she almost toppled off the couch.
His gaze found hers and he came towards her. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just worried about Bella.”
“I know. I am too. But he won’t kill her.” He plopped down on the ottoman and grabbed her hand. “Listen…is she a virgin?”
She gasped. “I don’t know. Why?”
Cole winced. “Virgins go for more. So, if she is, he probably won’t rape her.” He squeezed her hand.
“Oh, God,” she whispered, crushing her eyes shut and taking a deep breath.
This was Bella they were talking about, not some unknown girl that Andi would have had empathy for as a police officer. This was her little sister in all but blood. A child she’d seen grow up from age seven.
“I know,” Cole whispered. “We have to be realistic.”
She met his gaze and nodded. “I know. I really do.”
“We’ll get her back.”
“Matt’s her first boyfriend. She told me the other day she thinks she loves him, but I don’t know if they’re having sex,” Andi said. “And I don’t know if Natalie would know. They have a pretty open relationship, but I’m not sure a seventeen-year-old girl would announce that kinda thing to her mom.”
He nodded. “He’ll call me.”
As if on cue, his cell phone hopped down the coffee table as it vibrated. Caller ID flashed Unknown Number.
Pete appeared in the living room at the same time, standing over them.
Cole swished his thumb across the touch screen and activated the speaker. “Lucas,” he barked.
The laughter that greeted them was maniacal. Andi’s stomach twisted.
“Hello, Cole Lucas.”
“Maldonado,” Cole growled.
“Looks like you lost something. Want to come and get it?”
“Where are you?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I think you know the place. Tell your detective girlfriend I said hello.”
The line went dead, and the three of them exchanged a look.
“The warehouse,” they all spoke at once.
Chapter Nineteen
Cole was done talking. They’d gone over the plan a hundred times. Get to the warehouse and take down the elusive bastard. Bella home safe and sound.
The SWAT team was ready to go and drooling, too. It wasn’t often they got any real action in Antioch.
Andi was holding it together nicely, the consummate detective. Currently, she was arguing with Pete to go home as her partner strapped on his bulletproof vest, ignoring her. Chief Martin had already ordered him away, but had given up before continuing his part in the boring briefing. He’d left Pete in Andi’s charge. But she wasn’t getting anywhere either.
Not like Cole could blame the guy. Maldonado had put two holes in Pete. Like hell anyone would keep him from going after someone who’d shot him.
“Everybody got it?” Lieutenant Davis, the SWAT team leader, asked as he glanced around the briefing room at the PD.
Mass affirmatives were muttered and the lieutenant gave a curt nod. “Well, it’s just after midnight. Let’s get this done.”
“Chief,” a voice called from the doorway. A uniformed officer popped his head in, an odd look on his face. “There’s an FBI agent here…”
Cole groaned.
“Show ‘em in,” Chief Martin barked from the head of the room.
A dark-haired woman stepped past him, hands on shapely hips. Silence descended and many of the officers straightened in their seats. There were quite a few throats cleared.
“Don’t stop on my account, boys,” she said, a smirk on her face. “I’m looking for Special Agent Lucas.”
“Over here,” Cole said, his tone dry as he waved his hand.
She made her way to him, and he scrambled to his feet to meet the thrust of her hand.
“Special Agent Selena Dawson. Call me Lee.”
Lee made a show of looking him up and down, but he ignored it and gave her a firm shake. Eyes burned him, and he looked to his right. Andi was staring. He flashed a half-smile and motioned her over. “This is Detective Andi MacLaren. We’ve been working the case together.”
The two women shook hands and Lee sized Andi up, too. Andi glared at her. What the hell? They both murmured ‘nice to meet you’s, then Cole introduced Pete, since he’d meandered over behind his partner.
“Let’s go, people,” Lieutenant Davis announced. The room started to clear out, guys and gear noisy as they shuffled.
“How we doing this?” Lee asked Cole. Her brown eyes were keen as he met her gaze. Not very tall, but she really was gorgeous, high cheekbones, naturally light brown skin, nice hour-glass shape. Probably Hispanic. But as his eyes swept over Andi standing next to her, his heart gave a thud. Lee wasn’t even a temptation.
“How much do you know?” Cole asked.
“Agent Barnes briefed me. Maldonado took the girl as bait to reel you in. Trade the girl for you, a nice switcheroo to Caselli.”
“That’s my best guess. Only thing he was
clear about was the place.”
“SWAT’s going in?”
“The lieutenant agreed just a few. The rest are back-up. I’m going in,” Cole said.
“I am, too,” Andi said.
Cole’s instinct was to shout, the hell you are, but he kept his mouth shut. She was a cop. And this was Bella. Nothing would keep her out.
“I’m going in,” Pete said, crossing his arms over his broad chest. No wince. That was good, at least. His mouth was set in a hard line. No one contradicted him, not even Andi.
“Count me in, then,” Lee said, patting her sidearm and smiling.
Great, Liv was saddling him with some action-hungry freak. Just what he needed.
“Let’s go get Bella,” Cole said. “We have to get her now, or he’ll move her. Back-up or not, the trading routes are vast. She’ll disappear and we’ll never see her again.” His eyes swept over Andi, Pete and his would-be new partner. Pete nodded. Andi shifted on her feet, her wide sapphire eyes betraying her thoughts regarding his statement. Lee appeared indifferent but determined. She was new to all this, so he didn’t take offence. The FBI agent was a fresh set of eyes. All he could hope was that she was good with her gun and a quick study.
He rode with a few members of the SWAT team in the APC, their brand new armoured personnel carrier. Andi, Pete and Lee did as well, which made it full to the brim. It was better not to risk holes in the Challenger anyway, right? God, he loved that car.
Andi sat beside him, stuck in her own head. He wanted to touch her, hell, even holding her hand would calm him—more for her benefit—of course, but keeping his hands to himself was better.
He’d done this a thousand times, it’d be easy.
They’d let two or three SWAT guys lead and clear the building. Then grab Bella, nab Maldonado and get the hell out. Take down any helpers Caselli might have sent.
Carlo wasn’t stupid. He’d have his out all set up. There was no way Caselli’s men would actually let him live after killing Gains and Reese, and Carlo would know that. No doubt he had a plan for it, too.
Cole shifted against the bulletproof vest Andi had insisted he wear. Damn thing made him itch, even though it was the over-the-shirt variety.
Lee shot him a look, but he said nothing to his exotic new partner. He heard Pete’s voice and looked in his direction. Seated next to Lee across from them, the guy had Andi’s hand in his, their heads bent together as he spoke in low tones. Cole scowled. Her partner could take her hand, but he couldn’t? Bullshit. He couldn’t make out the words, but she kept nodding.
Rubbing his chest didn’t make the vest’s irritation stop, but he focused on the plan. They were close. Soon he would be slapping metal bracelets on Maldonado and putting the little bastard where he should have months ago.
There was a tiny, dark cell with his name on it.
The warehouse district was dead quiet, even after they were all set up. They posted across the street, the three guys from SWAT who were leading ready to go at Cole’s order. The perimeter around the building was tight, too.
It was time.
The shhht sound of the radio caught his attention and he glanced at the cop next to him. “Go ’head,” the guy said into his mouthpiece.
“A black Mercedes and silver Escalade are in the alley. No movement at the moment, but they’re right outside the back door.”
“Ten-four, stay on them.”
“Bingo. Carlo’s out,” Cole said.
“Nice,” Pete murmured, making a fist.
“Let’s go get the bastard,” Lee said, stepping up beside him, hand on her weapon.
Cole nodded. “Andi, you’re with me.”
Pete shot him a look and opened his mouth to argue, but she took a step towards him.
“Fine with me,” Andi said.
Pete scowled and looked at Lee when the FBI agent tugged on his jacket.
“Guess that means you’re all mine,” she told him, looking him up and down.
Was his new partner a female version of him? Cole smirked.
“Ready?” the lead SWAT guy asked.
“Yup. Let’s get it done,” Cole said.
Their approach was silent, but the creak of the warehouse door could have woken the dead. It hadn’t been like that the day Cole and Andi had checked the place out.
Nice touch, Carlo. “He’ll be waiting for us,” Cole told the SWAT officer in front of him.
The warehouse was dark and quiet with no one in sight, but he had his weapon ready. Andi was to his right in classic building clearance formation, her Sig up, her eyes sweeping the area. Pete, Lee and the other SWAT guys had spread out, all ready for anything.
Someone shouted ‘gun’ at the same time Cole heard the first shot. Who had fired first was a mystery, but soon he saw the bright flashes of three guns pointed their way and everyone was diving for cover behind pillars and stacks of pallets.
Cole’s instinct was to grab Andi and get her down, but she dashed behind a dumpster and squatted low. He left the SWAT guy who was already returning fire and sank beside his woman. Hopefully Pete and Lee were holding their own.
“She’s got to be in that container,” Andi breathed, peeking around the edge of their reeking cover. How long had the place been closed down? The dumpster stank to high heaven. “The doors are ajar. I don’t remember them both being open the day we came.”
He gritted his teeth and met her eyes in the dimness. “I don’t disagree, but we’ve got to get there.”
“Cover me?”
“Andi, no. Wait until the guys burst in here. No doubt they will at any minute with the gunfire.”
“I’m going to get Bella. You’re going to get Maldonado. I thought that’s what we’re here for,” she barked.
“Dammit, Andi.”
She leant forward and pressed her lips to his in a hard kiss. In the middle of a gunfight. “Let’s go, Cole.”
“I’m leading.”
He inched around the dumpster, his gun high. Pete, Lee and the SWAT guys were returning fire from what Cole could tell, but there was a body on the ground near the container. It was too big to be Maldonado.
“Too bad we can’t move the dumpster,” she mused, fingers flexing on the grip of her weapon.
“It smells like shit.”
She made an amused harrumph but said nothing. As soon as they were out in the open, another body hit the ground.
“Another one down,” one of the cops shouted.
Gunfire stopped and everyone paused. The cops inched cautiously towards the container, and Cole kept Andi pinned behind him, but they moved together.
“I’m coming out! Don’t shoot!”
Cole’s head snapped around at the male voice.
A dark figure slid towards them, hands raised, no weapon in sight. His heart thundered, his stomach tight. It wasn’t Maldonado. Fuck.
“Bruno fucking Gallo,” Cole snarled. Caselli’s right-hand man. He ignored the shock that washed over him at the high-positioned man. Caselli had sent the big guns. To ensure Cole’s capture, no doubt. “Where’s Maldonado?”
Lee rushed forward, Pete close behind her, his gun trained on Bruno Gallo as cover for the female FBI agent. She cuffed him and knocked him to his knees.
Cole smiled. He liked the badass after all.
“I’m not resisting, you bitch,” Bruno spat.
“That’s no way to talk to a lady.” Pete holstered his gun and accidently knocked Bruno on the back of the head, then hauled him to his feet. The gangster muttered a string of curses, but Andi’s partner grinned.
A door slammed. Cole’s eyes narrowed to see the office door swing back and forth. The short hallway down from it led right out into the alley. Stupid to have missed that.
“The office,” Andi barked.
“Shit. I’m going after Maldonado,” Cole said at the same time someone from SWAT confirmed the container was empty except for a cheap lantern. No Bella. They did
n’t think she’d ever been inside it.
Andi ran towards the back door, and Cole had to sprint to catch up. He heard sirens before they hit the outside. Ambulance. So one or both of the guys that had gone down weren’t dead.
Maldonado had managed to get out of the building with a teenage girl in the middle of a shootout. Slimy piece of shit. Cole’s blood ran hot.
Damn, I need to put another hole in him for spite.
“Stop! Police!” Andi’s voice was a hard order.
Carlo whirled around near the two vehicles in the alley. The coward froze before Andi as she trained her gun on him. Tears streamed down Bella’s face as he pressed his gun to her temple. Human shield. Son of a bitch.
Cole scooted around the late model Mercedes. There was no way Carlo had seen him. Maybe they had a chance to take him from behind. If Cole could get there.
Andi’s eyes darted to him and back to Bella. She’d caught on to his idea.
“Drop the gun, Maldonado, and let go of the girl,” Andi ordered as Cole shimmied along the sedan.
“Pretend you didn’t see me. We’ll leave. She’ll live. I promise,” Carlo called back.
“I’ll shoot your ass,” Andi answered. “You don’t have much time left to think about it.”
Cole ducked down next to the black sedan, inching his way silently. He could see Bella’s white sneakers and Carlo’s black boots under the car. The light at the end of the alley wasn’t the brightest, but he could still shoot the bastard in the foot.
Bella’s sobs filled the silence. He took a breath and closed his eyes. No fucking this up. For the kid’s sake, and for Andi’s sake.
He moved on, hearing Carlo scoff at her every order. There was no way the coward was going to shoot Andi or Bella. He’d have done it by now. He was still convinced he would just get away. Idiot.
Okay, babe, get really talkative, please.
Cole slipped to the front of the Mercedes, gripping his Glock until his knuckles whitened. The Escalade was so close, the gap between vehicles about four feet. Could he dart forward without being seen?